The crack pack modpack
The crack pack modpack

the crack pack modpack

by Raito-x-Ray, Ninja_Nub, Aboba, MrStalkerHacker, Darth_Shepard, Azetrix and othersĪrszi_Campfire_Roasting_Anomaly_V15U3.1 by Arszi Trader_Complete_1.19 by AGoodSetOfPistol, Cursed_August, Incompetent, Toxicity86, Evilwarrior2019 and Death_KnightRZ.Ĭrafting_Overhaul_1.00 by AGoodSetOfPistol and AcemaxĪnomaly_HD_Models_Addon.

#The crack pack modpack mod#

JSRS_Impact_Crack_Fly-by_Sounds_v1.1 Solarint, Lord Jardhead and JSRS Mod Soundscape_Overhaul_2.5 by Solarint, Lord Jardhead and JSRS Mod Sound_Mod_-_Injury_Audio_Extended by DesmanMetzger, TKGP y Marc13Bautista HollywoodFX_v1.1.2 requieres the base mod by DeathOrchid, AyyKyu and Ghost-2142 Patch after installing JSRS Sound Overhaul 3.3 ( CRACKS option NEEDED) with Tracers Patch after installing Trader Complete 1.19 NORMALĠ8. Boomsticks and Sharpsticks _UPD4_8.1 (Authors: Mortan (STCoP Team), Andrejs Green, LsdPro, unethicalrus, Gunslinger Mod Team, _Mr_Vlad_ and Mich_Cartman)Ġ5. Installation: Just drag and drop on your main Anomaly Folder.Ġ1. The modpack is kind of outdated, since new versions of the addons were released, like the Boomsticks and Sharpsticks addon which now has more weapons included, and I was using a old version of it. So with luck it is just a drag and drop, if something has errors, then I will upload the Gamedata, because I haven't played Anomaly in a recent time, that's why I don't remember it.

the crack pack modpack

To be honest, I don't remember if I modified something on the Gamdedata folder of Anomaly, I think almost everything was done making merges on the addon files and using JSGME. Well, some of you asked for my addons pack used on my random YouTube videos playing Anomaly, so I decided to upload it to Moddb.

The crack pack modpack